Electric wheelchair and scooter maintenance tips

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Motorised scooters and wheelchairs are used by people of all ages to get out and about. There are three- and four-wheel options, medium and large sized scooters, and portable ones too. It all comes down to where you want to go and what you want to do. Whatever style scooter or wheelchair you own, you can prevent costly repairs and prolong the life of your mobility device by following these simple tips:

Man on wheelchair sits in front of rocks by the sea

1. Be aware of the surfaces your device was intended for

Not all mobility devices are made to travel on rough or uneven surfaces like dirt, grass or loose gravel.

Mechanic holds tool and another man gives thumbs up

2. Just like cars, motorised scooters and wheelchairs need to be serviced.

Depending on how much you use it, you should service your mobility device at least every 12 months.

Electric scooter charging up

3. Keep your battery well charged and try to avoid letting it drain completely. 

Most manuals include information on how long you’ll need to charge your vehicle for depending on how frequently you use it.

Man on electric wheelchair looks at the sea

4. Keep your device clean by wiping it down with a damp cloth.  

This is especially important if you’re using it in coastal or dusty environments, as dirt, sand and salty water can cause damage to moving parts.

5. Check your mobility device regularly.

Look out for corrosion, loose parts and accidental damage and inform your provider of any issues as soon as you notice them.

So there you have it, five easy tips to keep your wheelchair or scooter in mint condition. If you have any more handy tips, share them with us on social media using the hashtag #RACVScooterMaintenance.

Top suggestions will be shared in a future article.