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How to keep calm in the age of COVID-19
Seven ways to keep calm and carry on during the COVID-19 crisis.
So you’re trying to keep calm and carry on, when at times you feel more like panicking and hiding under the blankets until it's all over. Welcome to the club. The coronavirus has already proven that a stiff upper lip isn't the cure-all panacea for uncertain times. It’s natural to be anxious, and while the notion of holing up at home can sound like a luxury when things are normal, these are anything but normal times.
The prospect of self-isolating for an uncertain period of time can be lonely and confronting, let alone the fear of losing your job or falling seriously ill. But take heart: as those balcony-singing Italians have shown, there is light to be found amid the gloom. (Plus, five of the best apps to give your mental health a boost.)
Clinical psychologist Dr Kate Taylor from Valley Family Health says the key to maintaining good mental health in these socially distancing days is to identify what makes life meaningful in an everyday context and replicate that in self-isolation.
“Things that normally give people positive mental health are having meaning and purpose, a sense of achievement, and finding joy and connection with other people,” she says. “People in isolation should think, ‘What can I adapt, what new things can I put in place, to still meet those needs in this situation?’.”
How to keep calm and carry on in the age of coronavirus