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10 ways to keep your mind active

Tips and tricks to train your brain and stay mentally sharp.
Over lockdown, you’d be forgiven for not being motivated to do much aside from finding the TV remote. While many of us have become accustomed to months of languishing, both in body and brain, as we get older, this can be a symptom of a deteriorating mind.
Dr. John N. Morris, Director of Social and Health Policy Research at the Harvard-affiliated Institute for Aging Research, wrote that no matter what activity you choose to ‘maximise brain training,’ it should follow three guidelines for mental benefits:
- Challenging – Your brain must be 'challenged' for it to grow, so it helps if the activity you focus on is new, or "increases your skill set."
- Complex – Training your mind in a complex skill 'forces your brain to work on a specific thought processes, like problem solving and creative thinking.'
- Practice – Like any new skill, practice makes perfect, and the more time you spend on your brain training activity 'the more it benefits.'
Whilst not foolproof, here are 10 tips, tricks and brain exercises you can utilise to train your brain into keeping mentally sharp and active.
How to keep your mind active

Heading to a Farmer's Market is a great way to invoke all the sense at the same time. Image: Getty