Encountering a snake on your property or in the wild can be daunting. Here are some ways to maintain your property and manage any snake encounters to help keep you and your pets safe.
Essential items for your home emergency kit

In a flood, fire, severe blackout or other emergency, it pays to be prepared. Here’s what you need to compile the ultimate home emergency kit, so you can deal with adverse situations.
In an emergency, you may not have access to power, water and other essentials. In these situations, having a home emergency kit prepared can help keep you and your household members safe and healthy until you can evacuate, or the emergency ends.
The items below should be packed together in a waterproof container kept above floor level in your house. Make sure that everyone in the house knows where to find the home emergency kit.
In general, your home emergency kit should last you for at least three days. If you live in a remote area, where emergency help may be more difficult to access, pack more supplies in your kit. Review your home emergency kit’s contents every six to twelve months to make sure things like food, baby formula and medical supplies haven’t expired, and spare batteries and charger cords are still operational.
Essential items for a home emergency kit in Victoria

First aid supplies are the most important part of your emergency kit. Image: Getty

Pack battery- or solar-powered lights like lanterns and torches. Image: Getty

Copy important documents onto a hard drive or USB. Image: Getty

A multitool can help in a variety of situations. Image: Getty

Remember your pets when packing your home emergency kit. Image: Getty
Families with babies or pets
Make sure to remember the specific needs of all household members when packing your home emergency kit, including pets, babies and the elderly.
For babies, your home emergency kit should contain enough nappies, wipes and food for at least three days. Pack a bottle and baby formula, making sure to check the expiration date every few months.
Pets should be registered and microchipped, so keep a copy of their registration, microchip and insurance documentation in your kit. Keep enough food and clean water to sustain your pet for at least five days, including feeding bowls. Other essential pet items include a leash and collar with ID tags, medicines with clear instructions, waste cleaning products such as a litter tray and litter or dog poop bags, and some bedding and comfort toys. Smaller animals like cats should be placed in carry boxes for easy transportation.
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