Having your home burgled is unsettling. Here are some key ways to improve your home security and help burglar-proof your home.
What thieves want to steal from your home while you're on holiday

Your home is a top target for burglars when you go on holidays. Here’s what burglars are looking for when they break into and enter your home, plus how to safeguard your house.
Residential burglary offences are increasing in Victoria. According to the latest Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) data, there were 26,817 burglaries and break-and-enter offences in Victorian residential locations for the year ending 30 June 2024, an increase of almost 9 per cent on 2023.
The holiday season can be rife with burglaries because of increased delivery orders, new merchandise around the home from gift giving, and a higher chance that homes will be empty.
Neighbourhood Watch Victoria CEO, Bambi Gordon urges Victorians to safeguard their homes before leaving on vacation.
"Of recent months, property crime has been on the increase," she says. "It is not unusual to hear of cars, number plates, tradies tools, jewellery and tech gear being stolen."
Top theft targets during holiday season
Cash and documents
Cash and documents were the number one theft target from Victorian homes, according to CSA data for the year ending June 2024, with a total of $14,341,672 reported stolen.
Cash is commonly left in easy-to-find or predicatable areas of the house, making it easy to steal. If you do keep cash at home, consider keeping it in a safe. Never leave cash near exterior doors or in obvious places such as kitchen tops and shelving near the doors.
"Cash is a commonly stolen item in burglaries, largely because of its liquidity and lack of traceability," says Gordon.
Sensitive documents such as passports are also targeted by burglars.
"Passports allow the offender to create a false identity that can be used to commit fraud," says Gordon. "They can help criminals open fraudulent accounts, apply for credit cards, or even enter a country illegally."
It's important to safeguard your passport by keeping it in a secure location, such as a locked safe or hidden drawer. Immediately report a stolen passport to the relevant authorities to protect yourself from potential identify theft or fraud.
More: Common holiday items you might forget to insure
Cars are often the single most valuable item that people own, underlining their appeal to thieves. CSA data shows 9,985 motor vehicles were stolen from Victorian residential locations in the year ending June 2024.
Keep your car locked (including boot and windows), remove any valuables from your car, and fit anti-theft devices to your vehicle, such as a car alarm and anti-theft number plate screws. In addition, keep your car keys hidden and ideally locked away. If you're leaving your car at home while you're away, take the car key with you.
"Many cars are stolen from driveways, garages or carports using the owner's set of keys, which are often easy to find in the home," Gordon says.
More: What to do if your car is stolen
CSA data shows 9,612 electrical appliances were stolen from Victorian homes in the year ending June 2024. Portable technology like mobile phones, tablets and laptops are attractive to burglars because they're highly portably and quick to resell on online marketplaces, often for a high value price.
They can also contain a wealth of personal and sensitive information, such as social media accounts, banking apps, and email access - all of which a criminal could use to commit extortion, identity theft, or fraud.
"All too often, mobile phones (and laptops) are left on kitchen bench tops, dining tables, bedside tables and other easy-to-see places from windows," Gordon says.
When you're not using your electronic devices, keep them out of sight and not in an obvious location like your desk or living room table. Regularly back up your data to an external hard drive or cloud storage device so that you don't lose your files in the event of a burglary. You can also install tracking software to help police locate your tech if stolen.
In addition, you can take precautions against a stolen mobile phone being used to access your information, such as using strong passwords, biometric authentication methods, and remote wiping features.
More: Insurance for laptops

Electronics such as mobile phones and laptops are attractive targets for burglars.
Burglars look for jewellery and items such as rings, watches, pendants and bracelets because they're easy to grab and conceal, and can be quickly turned into cash.
CSA data shows 9,297 jewellery items were stolen from Victorian homes in the year ending June 2024, with an average value of $3,107 per jewellery burglary. Aside from the financial loss, it can be emotionally distressing to have precious family hierlooms, your engagement and wedding rings, or other meaningful jewellery stolen.
Ensuring your jewellery is either out of sight in a locked dresser drawer or secured in a home safe can help prevent its theft.
More: Insurance for jewellery: how to cover rings, watches, and heirlooms
Tools and Power Tools
Tools and power tools were common burglary targets in Victorian homes, with 16,452 stolen in total in the year ending June 2024.
Tools are prime theft targets since they're typically high-value, portable and easy to resell. Tool theft can have a devastating effect on sole traders and small businesses. Not only will the tradie have to buy replacements, but they might not be able to work at full capacity due to not having all their tools.
Protect your tools from theft by locking tools away, marking tools with identification and keeping tools adequately insured.

Watches and jewellery are top theft targets. Image: Getty
Online shopping orders
The holiday period is associated with elevated numbers of online shopping orders being delivered to homes - often while you're at work or away on vacation.
"The growing popularity of online shopping may also be responsible for a rise in the theft of delivery items," Gordon says.
Packages left unattended on doorsteps or in mailboxes are easy targets for opportunistic thieves. They may quickly grab the packages and flee the scene without drawing much attention, or even follow delivery vans to grab a number of packages at once.
To prevent theft of online shopping orders, request that packages be delivered with a signature required for receipt. This ensures that someone is present to accept the delivery.
Use the tracking services provided by shipping companies to monitor the status of your deliveries, so you know when packages are expected to arrive. If you can't be at home to accept your package, use secure delivery options like a parcel locker, local post office, or a trusted neighbour who can accept the delivery on your behalf.
You can also install security cameras around your property to deter thieves and capture footage of any suspicious activity. Visible cameras can act as a deterrent, while recorded footage can be helpful for identifying suspects in the case of theft.

Sensor lights or timed lights can help deter would-be burglars. Image: Getty
How to prevent theft in your home
Victoria Police has a number of recommendations on how to improve home security while you're away, including:
- Getting a house-sitter
- Putting a stop on your mail
- Arranging for a neighbour to put your bins out and bring the in again
- Getting a neighbour to occasionally park their car in your driveway
- Setting a timer for a lamp or lights to come on at night.
- Making sure you have the best window locks and door locks.
Victorians can also learn about where their home might be vulnerable to crime by taking the How Safe Is My Place? quiz, which generates a report with security tips tailored to your home.
“Other simple tips are letting a family member, friend, or neighbour know if you’re heading on holiday, so they can keep an eye on your house, collect your mail and take the bins in," McKee adds. Having them occasionally park their car in your driveway and mow your lawn can also help make your absence less obvious.
Simple precautions that households can take to improve home security while they're away, include securing the perimeter of your property and investing in security systems such as timed or sensor lights and home alarms.
You can also submit an Absence from Residence form to your local police station.
Finally, be wary of posting your holiday on social media, as this can advertise that your home is vacant. Consider waiting until you're home to upload your happy snaps.
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