RACV Travel Insurance words with special meanings

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Policy Wording Words with special meanings

Within your RACV Travel Insurance policy certain words have definite meanings and it is important that You are aware of them. Where a word is capitalised below (e.g., You), it means that word has a special meaning which is defined on this page.

Accident means any unexpected, unintended or unforeseeable incident or injury caused solely and directly and independently by an external identifiable event. This excludes injury or illness arising from a sickness or disease.

Additional Accommodation, Meal and Travelling Expenses means only those reasonable expenses over and above what You expected to pay for accommodation, meal and travelling expenses (including emergency personal telephone calls) had the Trip gone ahead as planned. This excludes alcohol. 

Adult means a person or persons who are listed on the Certificate of Insurance, aged 18 or over, and are not defined as a Child or Grandchild. 

Backcountry means Skiing in a sparsely inhabited rural region over ungroomed and unmarked slopes (i.e. marked pistes are not present) where fixed mechanical means of ascent are often not present.

Certificate of Insurance means the most recent certificate that We provide to You. It contains the information You have given Us and on which We have issued Your insurance policy. It also includes the amount You are insured for, Excesses that apply, options You have chosen, the type of cover You have and when the policy starts and ends. If You vary this policy We will send You an updated Certificate of Insurance. 

Children or Child means Your children travelling with You up to the age of 25, who are financially dependent on You and not working full time. They must be listed as such on Your Certificate of Insurance. They are covered for free provided they do not require medical assessment and are travelling with You the whole time. A Child can be a child of any Adult listed on Your Certificate of Insurance. 

Epidemic means a rapidly spreading contagious or infectious disease or illness in a region as documented by a recognised public health authority.

Excess means the agreed dollar amount, on the policy You have purchased, that will be subtracted from the assessed claimable amount on Your claim. This applies to each and every Insured Event.

Financial Default means insolvency, bankruptcy, provisional liquidation, liquidation, financial collapse, appointment of a receiver, manager or administrator, entry into any official or unofficial scheme of arrangement, statutory protection, restructuring or composition with creditors, or the happening of anything of a similar nature under the laws of any jurisdiction.

General Exclusions means the exclusions listed on pages 59-62 of Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement.

Grandchildren or Grandchild means Your grandchildren travelling with You up to the age of 25, who are financially dependent on their parents and not working full time. They must be listed as such on Your Certificate of Insurance. They are covered for free provided they do not require medical assessment and are travelling with You the whole time. A Grandchild can be a grandchild of any Adult listed on Your Certificate of Insurance. 

Home means Your permanent and usual place of residence in Australia.

Insured Event means an event for which We have agreed to provide cover under this policy. It also means a single incident; or a single or number of incidents either having the same original cause or attributable to the one source. 

Limb(s) means any part of the arm between the shoulder and the wrist or any part of the leg between the hip and the ankle. 

Luggage means personal items, including Valuables, sporting equipment, dentures and or dental prosthesis designed to be worn or carried by You which You take with You or buy during Your Trip, unless they are excluded under “We will not cover” in General Exclusions and Section 3 of Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement.

Medical Condition has the meaning given to that term on page 15-18 of Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement.

Mental Illness means any sickness, disorder or condition recognised or provided for in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, where a clinical diagnosis has been made and treatment has been prescribed by a medical practitioner or health professional, prior to the Trip departure. A clinical diagnosis for Mental Illness can also be made after the Trip departure by a medical practitioner or a health professional. 

Moped or Scooter means any two or three wheeled motor vehicle with an engine capacity up to 50cc.

Motorcycle means any two or three wheeled motor vehicle with an engine capacity equal to or greater than 50ccs’.

Natural Disaster means an extraordinary natural event, natural act or force of nature including floods, earthquakes, avalanches, forest fires, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclones or storms and other severe weather conditions but does not include an Epidemic or Pandemic.

Off-piste means any Skiing within a short distance from the designated areas of a ski resort’s boundaries on groomed terrain or marked slopes or trails that are open, maintained, monitored and patrolled by the ski resort. 

Pandemic means a geographically widespread outbreak of a contagious or infectious disease that causes serious illness in humans as documented by a recognised public health authority. 

PDS means Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement.

Period of Insurance means the period during which You are insured and which is shown on Your Certificate of Insurance. 

Permanent means lasting 12 months from the date of occurrence and at the end of that period being beyond hope of improvement. 

Personal Money means cash that is carried on Your person unless secured in a safe or strong room where available. 

Premium means the amount You pay for Your insurance.

Public Place means any place the public has access to including but not limited to airports, bus terminals, stations, buses, cruise ships, planes, taxis, trains, beaches, hostels, hotels, hotel foyers and grounds, galleries, museums, private car parks, public toilets, shops, malls, streets and restaurants. 

Quad Bike means any motorised vehicle designed to travel on four or more wheels with a seat straddled by the rider and a set of handle bars that are used for controlling the steering. 

RACV means the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Limited ABN 44 004 060 833 AR 001243563. 

Relative means a Relative who is Your spouse or de facto spouse of either gender, parent, parent in-law, daughter, son, daughter or son-in-law, brother, sister, brother or 29 sister-in law, niece or nephew, grandchild, grandparent, step-parent, stepdaughter, stepson, aunt, uncle, cousin, fiancée, fiancé or guardian. 

Rental Vehicle means a car (sedan, stationwagon, coupe and hatchback), SUV, four-wheel drive, mini bus or a campervan/motorhome rented or hired by You from a recognised motor vehicle rental company for the carriage of passengers and does not include any vehicle designed to be used for the carriage of commercial goods. ** Please note this definition does not include high performance vehicles, Motorcycles, Mopeds or Scooters, trucks, caravans, trailers, boats or jet skis. 

Serious Injury or Illness means a condition which necessitates treatment by a legally qualified medical practitioner and which results in You or any other person to which this insurance applies being certified by that medical practitioner at the time as being unfit to travel or continue on with Your original Trip. 

Skiing means skiing and snowboarding. 

Sum Insured means the maximum amount that We will pay as shown in the Table(s) of Benefits on pages 3-8 of Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement

Table(s) of Benefits means the table set out on pages 3-8 of Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement, which sets out the maximum benefit payable in respect of each section of cover. 

Terrorist Act means any actual or threatened use of force or violence directed at or causing damage, injury, harm or disruption, or committing of an act dangerous to human life or property, against any individual, property or government, with the stated or unstated objective of pursuing economic, ethnic, nationalistic, political, racial or religious interests, whether such interests are declared or not. Robberies or other criminal acts, primarily committed for personal gain and acts arising primarily from prior personal relationships between perpetrator(s) and victim(s) shall not be considered Terrorist Acts. Terrorist Acts shall also include any act that is verified or recognised by the (relevant) government as an act of terrorism. 

Total Loss means the total physical loss or loss of use of one or more Limbs. For an eye, it means the entire and irrecoverable loss of sight in that eye. 

Transport Provider means any airline, bus line, shipping line, cruise line or railway that has accepted Your fare. 

Travelling Companion means the person who is to travel with You for at least 50% of the Trip and who made arrangements to accompany You before You began the Trip. They must arrive and depart with You. 

Travel Services Provider means any scheduled service airline, hotel, accommodation provider, motor vehicle rental or hire agency, bus line, shipping line, cruise line or railway company that owns and/or operates the assets. 

Trip means: 

  1. in respect of all plans except the Annual Multi-Trip and Rental Car Excess plans, means the travel You are undertaking and commences from the time You leave Your Home or place of departure to start Your Trip until You 30 return Home, or until the end of the Period of Insurance shown as the return date on the Certificate of Insurance, whichever is sooner. 
  2. in respect of any Annual Multi-Trip plans means the travel You are undertaking and commences from the time You leave Your Home or place of departure to start Your Trip until You return Home or until the end of the Period of Insurance shown on the Certificate of Insurance, whichever is sooner. The length of any one Trip cannot exceed 30, 45 or 60 days (depending on the plan chosen) and must be at least 250Kms from Your Home. 
  3. in respect of the Rental Car Excess plan means the day Your Rental Vehicle agreement commences and You collect Your Rental Vehicle until the day Your agreement ends and You return Your Rental Vehicle, or until the end of the Period of Insurance shown as the return date on the Certificate of Insurance, whichever is sooner. 

Unattended means but is not limited to, when an item is not on Your person at the time of the loss, theft or damage, or not under Your control at the time of the loss, theft or damage, left in a position where it can be taken or damaged without Your knowledge including on the beach or beside the pool while You swim, in a Public Place or where You are unable to prevent it from being unlawfully taken or damaged. Unattended also means leaving an item behind, forgetting the item, walking away from it, or leaving it in a Public Place.

Valuables means passport, travel documents, jewellery, watches, precious metals or semiprecious stones/precious stones and items made from them, furs, binoculars, telescopes, computer games, any kind of photographic, audio or video equipment, computers, mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, electronic games, portable navigation equipment and any equipment or accessories related to these items, drones and radio-controlled/remote-controlled vehicles including (but not limited to) model cars, planes, boats and any equipment or accessories related to these items. 

War means war, whether declared or not, or any warlike activities, including use of military force by any sovereign nation to achieve economic, geographic, nationalistic, political, racial, religious or other ends. 

We, Our, Us where used in the Combined Financial Service Guide and Product Disclosure Statement means Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co, Ltd. 

Winter Sports means leisure bigfoot Skiing, cat Skiing, cross country Skiing (along a designated cross country Ski route only), glacier Skiing, ice hockey, ice skating, luging (on ice only), mono Skiing, Off-piste Skiing (with a professional guide only), recreational Ski racing (not training for, or participating in, a competition), recreational Skiing, snowmobiling and tobogganing. In all cases “Skiing” also means snowboarding. It does not mean any of the above activities when they are undertaken for competition, including training or practising, purposes. 

You, Your, Yourself means the person or persons named on the Certificate of Insurance.

Travel alerts, claims and policy documents

Travel alerts

Think carefully before visiting countries with "Do Not Travel" status, as your RACV Travel Insurance won't cover you for these destinations.

Review or manage your policy

For full details on how you’re covered, read the RACV Travel Insurance Product Disclosure Statement.

The information provided is general advice only. Before making any decisions please consider your own circumstances and the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations. For copies, visit racv.com.au. RACV Travel Insurance issued by Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd ABN 80 000 438 291 AFSL 246 548. Terms & conditions apply, refer to the PDS. Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Ltd AR 001243563 is an authorised representative of the issuer and receives commission for each policy sold or renewed.